Using Soundbuffer objects ========================= pyfxr's :doc:`sound generation APIs ` return :class:`SoundBuffer` and :class:`SFX` objects. A soundbuffer is a packed sequence of 16-bit samples:: >>> buf = pyfxr.explosion().build() >>> len(buf) 32767 >>> buf[0] 2418 but more importantly it supports the buffer protocol, which allows it to be passed directly to many sound playing APIs (see below). You can also save a SoundBuffer to a ``.wav`` file, which is very widely supported::"explosion1.wav") An SFX object is a set of parameters to generate a SoundBuffer. You can generate and retrieve the SoundBuffer with :meth:``, but you can also play an SFX just like a SoundBuffer. .. currentmodule:: pyfxr .. autoclass:: SoundBuffer :members: .. attribute:: sample_rate: int The sample rate in samples per second. Currently, always 44100. .. attribute:: channels: int The number of channels in the sample. Currently, always 1 (mono). With Pygame ----------- Pygame_ can construct a sound from any buffer object, including SoundBuffer:: buf = pyfxr.tone() pygame.mixer.Sound(buffer=buf) .. _Pygame: Be aware that as of Pygame 2.0.1, ``Sound`` objects do not have their own sample rate and mono/stereo information; they are assumed to have the same format as the mixer. For correct playback you must initialise the mixer to 44100 kHz mono:: pygame.mixer.pre_init(pyfxr.SAMPLE_RATE, channels=1) pygame.mixer.init() With Pyglet ----------- SoundBuffers can also be used as Pyglet_ media sources:: .. _Pyglet: This does not work by the buffer protocol; SoundBuffer has special adapter code to allow it to work like this. With sounddevice ---------------- sounddevice_ provides access to sound devices, without being coupled to a game or UI framework. .. _sounddevice: ``sounddevice`` also supports the buffer protocol and can play SoundBuffers directly:: import sounddevice import pyfxr, pyfxr.SAMPLE_RATE)